Thursday, November 12, 2009

Blog assignment

Having kids on cites that are only allowed for kids 13 and up seems to be a big problem. Many sciencetits worry that it effects them dearly. Reaserchers have found that more and more kids are flouting the age reqiurements on sites such as Facebook. ''Fore the most part, although there is so much press about all the bad things they're doing, much of what they do on these sites is stuff they would be doing anyway,'' says Kaveri Subrahmanyam. Some parents let their kids do this without paying any attenition. Some don't and some lets them do it but pay close attetition. When Marc Bigbie found out that his eleven year old had made and account on Myspace he took his time on my space away. But he soon gave it back as long as he doesn't display any personal information on it and only chats with friends. He also checks it to make sure he is doing it. As I have showed you it is treated seriously but it should. I and the people aganist kids listing on sites under age haft to just hope someone will do a thing about it.

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