Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Google Buzz

Google Buzz is a new way to share photos, videos, and extra. Your Google Reader shared items, Picasa Web public albums, and Google chat status messages are automatically posted in Buzz. When you post something using Buzz your replies to that post will be seen in your inbox. You will also find things in your inbox if someone posts something and writes @[yourusername]. Google Buzz allows you to control your posts, your followers, and who's following you. You can even turn off google Buzz if you want to. Google Buzz makes it easier for students to share their documents ,photos, and whatever else they may need to use. You can even block someone if you don't even like them. And all of this is easy to do. So go ahead and try Google Buzz and if you don't like it you can simply turn it off it is an easy deal with no backfires.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

To all who look at my blog

I am upgradin my blog the best I can so don't stop looking before I am finished.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hati Earthquake "What I think"

Hati as you already know has been hit with massive 7.0 eartquake. This single earth quake killed thousands and thousands of lives. The U.S has sent money, food, and medical care to help them to recover. But is a good thing for the U.S to help hati even though we are in a reccession. I like the idea of helping Hati out in this time of crisis ,but are government is already struggling with the crisis here why can't other countries help as much as we do. The U.S has sent alot of doctors to help the injured in Hati. Why is the U.S sending so much money to Hati when we need it here to. Let other countries help Hati, not just us. The U.S may be being to helpful for Hati. That is all.